Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Earth, we are at COP.

Maybe we will get it right this time? Maybe we will collectively rise up to our responsibilities as keepers of this geographical enclave called Earth? Maybe the Paris Summit on Climate Change will go down in history as the meeting where we finally and genuinely committed to curtailing the damage we have done to the Earth.

Oh Earth, how we have ignored you for so long; how we have trampled on your beauty and exploited your extravagance; how we have constantly taken from you but blatantly failed to put back in you. You have enriched us but in return we have depleted you. You have fed us but in exchange we have polluted you.

We appeared to have realized our errors and have gathered again to strive for a consensus on how to nourish you oh Earth.

From Casablanca to Canberra and from Isale Eko to Iceland, we are hoping to convince ourselves to do what is right once and for all. 

Oh God of the Earth, please take our mind back to Eden so we can see the value in your creation and begin to tend the Earth again. Remind us that we are custodians of this space and help us to collectively agree to a workable approach that will mitigate the negative aftermath of the damages we have done to the Earth.


History has the propensity to unbear mystery. The secret to understanding the future is often embedded in the crucible of past events. A people who trample on the wisdom in their yesterday are often held hostage by the claws of repeated errors and the grips of illusionary preoccupations.

History is valuable and usable; history is humbling and resolving; history invigorates and liberates. History is our today viewed from tomorrow.

History is why we live here today; history is what will be said of us when we are gone tomorrow.